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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Coming Soon...

Carol and I have decided that sometime soon, we're not sure when exactly, that we are going to Forks, WA!!!! We've both always thought that the Pacific Northwest was a beautiful place, but thanks to Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight series we have a new reason to want to visit. As two very much obsessed Twilight nerds (twerds) it's only natural that we'd want to make the journey to the other side of the country for this amazing franchise. Money may be an issue on my part so it may not be a soon trip, but definitely within the next 2-3 years, we will go. But even better news for you guys? We plan on documenting EVERY part of our adventure! That includes keeping you guys up on the travel plans, then documenting our trip with blog posts, twitter updates, and maybe even YouTube videos. Get excited!!

later twerds,