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Sunday, January 31, 2010

A tribute... :)

Coming Soon...

Carol and I have decided that sometime soon, we're not sure when exactly, that we are going to Forks, WA!!!! We've both always thought that the Pacific Northwest was a beautiful place, but thanks to Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight series we have a new reason to want to visit. As two very much obsessed Twilight nerds (twerds) it's only natural that we'd want to make the journey to the other side of the country for this amazing franchise. Money may be an issue on my part so it may not be a soon trip, but definitely within the next 2-3 years, we will go. But even better news for you guys? We plan on documenting EVERY part of our adventure! That includes keeping you guys up on the travel plans, then documenting our trip with blog posts, twitter updates, and maybe even YouTube videos. Get excited!!

later twerds,

New addictions :)

Best parodies evverr! Carol and I are so learning these dances!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Valentines Day

5:52...so funny! :)

New Rob Pic

Obviously, Carol and I are super ready for Remember Me!! :D I may be Team Jacob but even I can't deny that Rob looks goooood :P

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Runaways

Obviously, Carol and I are super excited for The Runaways which features not one, but two New Moon stars! Dakota looks absolutely gorgeous in this role! I'm a big fan of Joan Jett so it should be a great movie. Can't wait!

later dolls!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I absolutely adore this picture. I feel like it portrays their personalities/relationship both in and out of the movie. I just need to stop imagining myself in Kristen's place...

later dolls!

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Website for Twilight Gear

So, ashley made an AMAZING discovery today. It is a freakin awsome place to buy twilight...everything!! http://dazzledbytwilight.com/

Check it out, and let us know what you think!!

Peace, Love, & Twilight
Carol :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anna Kendrick Plays Would You Rather...

Call For Helping Haiti and you could talk to...

Pledge a few bucks and maybe talk to a vampire.

Robert Pattinson will be manning the phones at Friday’s telethon for Haiti, joining Brad Pitt, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Jon Stewart, Matt Damon, Meryl Streep, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicole Kidman and Tom Hanks.

Added to the previously announced musical acts are Madonna and Beyoncé. Haitian artist Emeline Michel is also on the lineup.

The two-hour Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief, begins at 8 p.m. ET and will be hosted by Wyclef Jean in New York, George Clooney in Los Angeles and CNN’s Anderson Cooper in Haiti.

Source: People

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

and this is just for ashley :)

he is just so yummy...


I'm surprised Ashlet didn't mention Taylor's new movie "Valentine's Day" which also comes out in Febuary! Excited?? I think so!! plus, who doesnt want an excuse to stare at him?? maybe he will take his shirt off in this one too!! :D

My thoughts

I totally agree with Carol on that. I'm only a seasonal Miley fan but The Last Song looks amazing and if the film is half as good as the book, it should be freakin awesome. I'm also excited for Dear John in February, but especially for Eclipse in June! AHH :) As a strong team jacob supporter I am most anxious to see how Taylor portrays Jacob as this guy going after a taken girl. haha God I love Taylor :)

later dolls!

Up Coming Movies

So, there are a few movies coming out in the next couple of months that I cannot wait for! The is Dear John in Febuary, New Moon comes out on DVD in March, and the Last Song in April! I personally love Miley Cyrus ( and yes, I am almost 20) but her new song "When I Look At You" is amazing! If you haven't listened to it yet, go do it NOW!!