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Monday, February 1, 2010


As you have read, Ashley and I are going to be taking a trip to forks sometime in the near future. I am WAY too excited for my own good. I want to leave like right now, but I know we can't. We both need to finish school nd all of that non-sense. Anywhoseys, I am uber excited and can't wait to let ya'll know all of the specifics. Hopefully we will be able to leave this summer! But if not, then Christmas break would be alright as well. Personally, I want to stay here: http://www.olympiclodge.com/index.html but idk where ashley would like to go, so we need to compromise! We will let you know about our plans, and if anyone has gone there and wants to recommend what to go do, please let us know!!
thank ya'll!!

peace bitches :)